

Against Scientology

A Szcientologia fedonevu bunszervezet leleplezese. Puszi az OSA-nak. "The bullshit is thick and the damage is real"

Innen figyel az OSA


Friss topikok

  • PassageInTime: A "mennyasszony" maradt bent...nincs happy end ebben a storyban . (2010.02.23. 21:17) Insomnia
  • PassageInTime: ennyi.amugy az eselyes ,hogy te is daniabol irsz? (2010.02.21. 15:49) Kritika
  • PassageInTime: @Ammónia73: koszi,mar cserelem is . (2010.02.20. 15:09) The Wall of fire
  • PassageInTime: @zsooofi: Szia. Termeszetesen, orommel fogadok barmilyen segitseget. Nem elek Magyarorszagon mar ... (2010.02.17. 16:59) Kezdet,The Profit

This one goes out for the RonDROIDS.

PassageInTime 2010.02.24. 03:06

"$cientologists call me a bigot. I'm here with the court facts, it's a music picket.              It's for all the critics and the lurkers who dig it.                                                       Cause we KNOW it gives 'em rickets when we kick it like this:
Pill poppin', rum swiggin', wife beatin', friend cheatin', check bouncin', ass wobblin, race hatin', goat bombin', homophobic, coke sniffin', chain smokin', salad quizzin', warrant dodgin', no good conman.
L Ron Hubbard was a man of his word, but his words were lies and turds, fat like his thighs. They were so oversized it defies my capacity to measure his insanity. I wonder if he planned to be a fraud like he turned out, all burned out. With no will, then two wills, then dead, with an ass full of vistiril.

He lied for a living, always taking, never giving anything but orders. A hoarder of money and guns and drugs and thugs and intelligence. Its a good thing that his lackeys were incompetent.
Operation Snow White showed right through the disguise of propriety,                            the mask of legality.
The veneer was stripped away to show us the true face of the Church of $cientology. Their ACTUAL philosophy: Make money, Make more money!
Mary Sue Hubbard and ten other clams                                                                    were eventually jailed for a sinister plan to infiltrate and wiretap the world's governments, find info that
could harm them,
steal files and documents, and try to sneak away with them.

But guess who got caught in a paranoid plot? WHAT?                                                      It was Mary Sue.                                                                                                                What's Hubbard gonna do?                                                                                                 You think he stepped in to save the day?                                                                             No fucking way.                                                                                                                    That coward hid until his dying day."

El Queso Allstars a.k.a. ENTURBULATOR 009-make money,make more money

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